Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fall Semester Is Over!!!!

I almost thought I wasn’t going to make it, but here I am, still pinching myself just to make sure I am really alive!
Today was my biology final, and thankfully my last test for the year... well, except my driver's permit, but that is another story. I am quite sure I am going to wake up several times in the night screaming, "Finals!!!" and panic before I realize there is no school tomorrow.
And now that I have finally woken up from finals a little bit, Christmas is right around the corner. Even though there is no snow, it feels like Christmas because everyone has been so generous! I cannot wait to pass the good on in the Dominican Republic!
$185 dollars down, $1,815 to go!
Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Finals week

I am not meaning to neglect my updates. I am in the midst of finals and running on fumes.

Great news is I have had two donations! (Your tax deductible receipts are on the way) That means they have some wonderful odds of winning some great raffle prizes in January. They both touched my heart immensely.

One is from a person who I know is struggling with keeping her family fed and her husband is unemployed. Words can't express how much her sacrifice means to me and I promise to honor it. She also gave me my first journal, which I filled up long ago and have kept new ones going since. Even if I just write a sentence, it still gets written in everyday.

The other is from a family who I "adopted" (or they "adopted" me)in New York. I spent valued time in conversation with "Mema". Her words of wisdom and example of compassion have done a lot in shaping the woman I hope to become. I just burst out in tears when their unexpected donation arrived in my PO Box (first usage of the PO box :) ).

My German sister has offered to add some of her incredible artwork to the raffle! My great Aunt offered to sew something to add to the mix too! I am SO BLESSED.I have received many treasured words of encouragement and advice. What a difference it makes in a perspective of life when you have people who believe in you! I do not know what I would do without such an amazing circle of support.

Hoping to get through finals with my sanity intact...

Thank you all for your love!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yay!!! The donation button is up :)

I feel so blessed. I have three followers, an Aunt has offered to make something for the raffle, and someone said they would donate if I had a donate button.
My Mom researched it for me (thanks Mom!) and the donation button is up. Hopefully it works. If anyone experiences a problem please let me know.
Since I have had no cash donations yet, your chances of being a raffle winner is extremely high if you donate now :)!!
Yesterday after school was filled with: Biology and Math review (finals fast approaching), a project for my Banking and Finance class (we are presenting different kinds of health insurance and what happens in certain scenarios. How scary it is to be without health insurance in the US today. Heck, it's scary with health insurance. One hospital stay can cause a lifetime of bills!), and three hours volunteering at the local library (it's helping get my alphabetizing skills in order ;) ).
Thanks again for caring enough to help me on my journey. No matter what happens financially, it helps to know there are people who believe in me.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Here we go!

First letter written and blog started. Three people have donated items or service to the raffle. I have made the December payment of $150.00 from the personal items I have sold.

I am trying to take a deep breath and trust that the rest will materialize. To take this leap of faith is scary and wonderfully exhilarating.

No matter what happens, a learning experience has begun.